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Top 3 Mobile phones

If you are looking to get a new phone this festive season... Often I share my opinions in social circles. Now just extending this to my FB friends. In 2014, I was asked to recommend a good phone by friends and family.  Before I put this forward... Here's the business stuff: 1. I don't work for any phone manufacturer. Nor do I gain from it.  2. This is my opinion. It's based on research, observation and feedback on various technology forums. Now that's out of the way... A phone selection depends on a number of factors. He biggest is affordability, needs and usability. The last element is where hangs usually gets sticky for the technologically challenged. Usability is what works for YOU. For example...  - If you need fast network access, you look for a phone with LTE.  - If you want to keep your apps, information, etc. then you will want to stay with the same vendors to easily transfer your things over to a new phone. - If you want an overhaul - you have to consider a ...

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