Top 3 Mobile phones

If you are looking to get a new phone this festive season...

Often I share my opinions in social circles. Now just extending this to my FB friends.
In 2014, I was asked to recommend a good phone by friends and family. 

Before I put this forward... Here's the business stuff:
1. I don't work for any phone manufacturer. Nor do I gain from it. 
2. This is my opinion. It's based on research, observation and feedback on various technology forums.

Now that's out of the way...
A phone selection depends on a number of factors. He biggest is affordability, needs and usability.
The last element is where hangs usually gets sticky for the technologically challenged. Usability is what works for YOU.
For example... 
- If you need fast network access, you look for a phone with LTE. 
- If you want to keep your apps, information, etc. then you will want to stay with the same vendors to easily transfer your things over to a new phone.
- If you want an overhaul - you have to consider a change in ecosystem - ie move from Apple to Android or WindowsPhone and vice versa.

That's a mouth full and reason enough to just pickup the next "cool" thing & move on. For the millenials, this is not a problem!

With All considered:
1. Sony Experia Z3
2. Nokia Lumia 930 & 1520
3. Apple iPhone 6 

Now we can discuss the merits of each.
Of course other do appear further down the list including Samsung Galaxy S5 and Huawei P7, HTC One.

If you plan to move to Apple and take advantage of all it has to offer within its EcoSystem, you have to have accept that it's a long term relationship. Those who have moved out of it, do so painfully.
That's the reason I use and stay with Apple.

Now that I want a really powerful camera on my mobile device of choice, Sony Experia shames all phones on this feature.

WindowsPhone takes advantage of familiar interface you get from your laptop or desktop PC. Microsoft had managed to built a good ecosystem where you can login with an single ID and have your email, Office365 and other purchased apps that are integrated into the ecosystem. My ID is versatile across personal and business apps. Both One Drive for Business and the good old Skydrive (now called OneDrive as well) recognizes my personal ID and the single-sign-on works well as a result.

Apple's iOS devices tops it with overall user friendly interface. It remains attractive. Doesn't bog you down with prior experience or interaction with the ecosystem. From when you switch on your phone for the first time, you are guided through the relationship with Apple. 

As longwinded as that maybe, it sums it all up.

For further insight, you can lookup Human-Computer Interaction study to understand design of technology interfaces at various levels.

Thanks for reading...


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